2) Review Terms -
Irony - see board.
Noun: |
Noun: |
3) New Possible Journal Entries
- Buzkashi Video... what does this video teach us about Afghani culture?
- Speaking of hate, what about a reaction to this article as a possible journal entry? Is it easier in an era of shallow media and social media to make people the other? Is it easier to hate? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/the-hot-button/steubenville-confirms-it-twitter-has-become-a-hate-forum/article9958260/
"But that is what Twitter does: Lacking a filter, it allows for all kinds of instant hate and viciousness. These are days when the first thing that pops into your head isn’t just worth saying, it’s worth the whole world reading."
4) Time to read - Chapter 6... silent reading or read-along - your choice.
5) Time to work - journal entries, chapter questions, vocabulary