Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Louder than a Bomb and More...

1) Finish Louder than a Bomb - there are only 20 minutes left.

In a group of two or three, discuss the following questions - co-write a paragraph response to each:
  • Given that Comox is a capital S Small town, and given that many of you are putting your heads into your cell phones more than you are into anything else and given that the internet is changing our brains (watch the video).... What do you think Ms. Colborne thought you would get out of this documentary? Why did she think it might be "good" for you?
  • Speaking your mind and expressing your emotions can be difficult. The Louder Than a Bomb competition has a saying, “The point is not the points. The point is the poetry.” Why do you think they stress this saying? What can you personally take away from this perspective? Why should expressing one'e emotions be first and foremost?

    Due today - put your names on it.
2) Creative Writing Assignment - most of the Louder than a Bomb poems were about the ordinary but heavy concerns of teens living in a family, surviving in a school, enduring a society.

Check out this poem I found in the most recent copy of The Claremont Review - an International magazine of student writing that is published in Victoria, BC. http://www.theclaremontreview.ca/

Read aloud - twice: What a Young Woman Wants

What do you want? Not as in what do you want to buy (shallow stuff), but as in what do you want to be allowed to experience? How do you want to be percieved?

Now, write your own version - see handout. Due Thursday. (Keep in mind a new written response will be assigned tomorrow)