Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Status What?!

1) Paradox Introduction Due

2) 1961, baby! A history lesson. A SETTING lesson

  • The times they are a changing. Bob Dylan sang this in 1964
  • What do the poodle skirt and the mini skirt teach us?
  • How is Sammy's town kind like Comox?
3) Read: "A & P", by John Updike.

4) Status Quo and Review of Literary Terms
What is Sammy fighting against? Why is it perfect that it is set in a store? What do the girls represent?

5) Homework: Annotate your story. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Welcome to English 11

1) Meet the Creature. I am a Paradox.

2) The Epic Outline. Tour of blog/network.

3) In other words:

4) Paradox? Huh? You are one too. 

  • What are your vices?
  • What are your virtues?
  • Your first writing sample: Introduce yourself to me and your paradoxical ways. 200-300 words.
5) Info please! Please use the netbooks to fill in this spreadsheet.

6) If time, let's start "A&P." If not, tomorrow...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Acts 4 and 5

1) Check Homework. Hand-out final essay details.

2)What do you predict will happen to Macbeth?

3) High speed lecture is not holding you, so.... how about a little Problem Based Learning?

Tomorrow you must prove to me that you understand Acts 4 and 5 of Macbeth. You will be tested with the following two questions - What happened in Act Four? What happened in Act Five? How have Macbeth and Lady Macbeth developed (what is their character arc)?

Here are your resources:

Scene Summaries and Analysis:
  • I will write the most important quotes on the board.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tintern and Your Poem Place

1) Silent Reading
2) Guided Poetry Writing - a place in 14 lines
2) Tintern Notes and Explanation
3) Time with the netbooks...

Back to Poetry!

1) Welcome back! What did you read? Do? Eat?
2) Romanticism - the literary movement. A blah, blah, blah lecture.
3) LEAF poems - a creative writing warm up.
4) Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" - going into the wild again...

(Two responses to poetry overdue. "Terrance" and "Waiting Room".)

The beach by Filberg Park.
Homework: What place in nature inspires you? Decide. Tomorrow you will write about it.