Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sample Synthesis Thesis Statement

Both "Body in a Box" and "Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night" are concerned with the inevitability of  mortality, but while Green's lyrics suggest that they only antidote is to live life fully, Thomas' classic poem urges all of us to die well, to die fighting death.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Song Poems

I am even more sick today then I was yesterday, so I am home resting. Please make sure that you do not use my absence as an excuse to accomplish little. Our wrap-up of poetry and the online literature circle is intense and we have much to get done before the holidays.

To Do Today:

1) Silent Reading (your novel should be done by Friday)

2) Your Final Poetry Response - a compare and contrast essay. See handouts. If I were doing this assignment I would likely compare "Do Not Go Gently" to "Body in a Box." Love Dallas Green (City and Colour)!

3) Library - try to get to step four today.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Two Tasks on Tursday

1) Browse Poems to find one that you are willing to try to memorize and recite out loud:

2) Finish your poetry response to "To a Sad Daughter."

(and make sure you have read to the 3/4 point in your novel)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tintern Abbey and More Time to Write...

1) Silent Reading

2) Tintern Abbey Questions - small groups followed by discussion...

  • To the extent is “Tintern Abbey” about Nature? What does Wordsworth mean by Nature? What lines of the poem tell you what he means by nature? Go beyond the obvious. What are the characteristics of nature?
  • The speaker also speaks of the "sublime" and uses descriptions that sound like a sermon. Given this tone and his religious diction, what do you think Wordsworth is asserting as a new sort of faith, a new sort of God, if you will?
  • This is also a "spirit of the place" poem. Genius Loci (Lt.) What place is your (semi) sacred place? Why? What it is it about the place?
  • The speaker directly addresses his sister. What does he see in her that delights him? What does he hope for her?