Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Short Story Rubric

What do this mean? "Works are judged anonymously on the basis of the author's use of language, originality of subject and writing style."  This is from a CBC writing contest.

Let's build our rubric together - then, off to the library.

Make the image and the story into a visual. See example.

Examples of Short, Short stories...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thursday, Sept. 28th

1) Silent Reading 2) Hand Raising "Discussion" - Who has ever felt contrained by the expectations of their gender? Who thinks that boys and girls have equal access to opportunities in most things? Who has been made fun of for their gender? Who has used names like pansy, pu---, girly to insult people? Who thinks that there is still work to be done in terms of society's expectations for girls and boys?
3) "Boys and Girls" questions - discuss...

4) Creative Writing Assignment - Write your own initiation/loss of innocence/coming of age short story.

It can be a memoir or a complete fiction.
Maximum of 500 words.
Whichever you choose, you are to select an inspirational image as your starting place.
This story will be displayed along with the image and we will make a story gallery in the class.
We'll be creating the marking rubric in class.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, Sept. 26th

1) Silent Reading - 10 minutes

2) "I saw the best minds..." essay due. As I am home sick, you can hand it in tomorrow, if you like.

Our version of "girl."
3) Boy and Girls - the story... (Teacher read aloud - stop and check for understanding every two pages. The story is on my desk.)

Keeping in mind our discussions of Friday about stereotypes and vast generalizations about gender, listen to this story and see what issues and ideas come to mind.

Also, watch out for SYMBOLS - Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention. There are many of them in the story.

Enjoy your rainy day storytime!

4) Study Questions - due can find them here.

 And cut and pasted here:

1. Who is the narrator? What perspective does she have on the events in the story?
2. Where and when does the story take place?
3. What roles are assigned to men and to women in the world of this story? How do the mother, the father, Henry Bailey, the narrator, and her brother Laird exemplify aspects of these masculine and feminine roles?
4. What people and things represent freedom in this story? What people and things are not “free”?
5. What do you see as the primary conflict in the story; in other words, what does the dramatic tension come from?
6. What do you see as the turning point in the story?
7. What changes occur in the course of the story --to the girl, to her fantasies, to her relationship with Laird and her father?
8. The phrase “only a girl” is used in two different situations. What meaning does the phrase have for the girl in each situation? How does it contribute to the overall meaning of the story?
9. This sort of story is called a “coming of age” or “initiation” story. Why do you think that is? What is the girl “initiated” into? Of what does she become aware?
10. In “Boys and Girls”, what does the girl gain? What does she lose? Do you think what she becomes reflects nature or nurture? Do you see these changes and losses as necessary?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thursday, Sept. 21st

1) What do you think is destroying your generation? Did you know the title of our recent story is an allusion to a famous poem by Allan Ginsberg, "Howl." Define allusion.

2) How to add quotes to your writing.

Good handout here.

3) Today is the last day to finish the videos and work on your essay response to "The best minds of my generation were destroyed by Google."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Independent Short Story Work

Terms/Introduction - Genre, Science Fiction, Sentence Variety

Find the assignment template here.

Watch the video series over here.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Monday, Sept. 19th

1) Silent Reading

2) A&P draft due.

3)The literary response recipe.

4) Peer editing and re-writing.
5) Due at end of class...

6) Tomorrow: New Story - bring ear buds!!! You'll be working with online videos...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Friday September 16th

1) Quiz - Elements of Fiction

2) Group Presentations

3) Select a topic - time to prepare first ever multi-paragraph response with 3 supporting quotes.

Thursday, Sept. 15th

1) Silent Reading
2) Finish Notes (from yesterday)
3)A&P group questions - 6 groups. View video to review the story.

A & P
Get More: A & P

     - Is Sammy's quitting a form of rebellion or a statement of some sort? Does it have any meaning? What is he rebelling against? Are there unconscious targets of his rebellion? Who is the enemy here? Are there any forms of oppression at work in the story? Who is oppressed (or "embarrassed" for that matter)? Is Sammy's standing up for the girls in some way a form of standing up for himself?
    -Is the girls behavior itself a kind of statement or rebellion of some sort? What message are they sending by walking into the A&P in their bathing suits? What messages do the girls send to "the sheep" of the store? Why is it significant that they choose a supermarket for their self-display?    
   - What are Queenie and the girls symbolic of? Is Queenie an upper class girl? Is she more free than Sammy? Why? What does Sammy think? How does he imagine her life? How does he contrast his own existence to that of Queenie? Is Queenie her real name? What does Sammy know for a fact about her? What does her behavior reveal? What in a sense is he trying to achieve by impressing Queenie?
For all groups - collect 4 quotes from the story that back up your answers.

Present findings. All take down quotes.

4) Writing Assignment - pick one of the sets of questions tonight and begin a brainstorm. Prepare to write tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day Two

1) Move to Lab - My projector is bwoken. Waaaahhhhh!

2) Daily English 11 - here we are! Subscribe via email...

3) Finish Outline - think, pair, share for each remaining section. Video.

4) Spreadsheet.

4) Review Epic and Paradox.
5) First writing sample. Paradox paragraph.

Tomorrow - present yourself, your paradox to class... If you really know me, you'd know...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome to English 11!

1) Meet the Creature. Define Paradox.

2) The Epic Outline

3) All I ever needed to learn about how not to behave, I learned from cats: