Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, Sept. 15th

1) Silent Reading
2) Finish Notes (from yesterday)
3)A&P group questions - 6 groups. View video to review the story.

A & P
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     - Is Sammy's quitting a form of rebellion or a statement of some sort? Does it have any meaning? What is he rebelling against? Are there unconscious targets of his rebellion? Who is the enemy here? Are there any forms of oppression at work in the story? Who is oppressed (or "embarrassed" for that matter)? Is Sammy's standing up for the girls in some way a form of standing up for himself?
    -Is the girls behavior itself a kind of statement or rebellion of some sort? What message are they sending by walking into the A&P in their bathing suits? What messages do the girls send to "the sheep" of the store? Why is it significant that they choose a supermarket for their self-display?    
   - What are Queenie and the girls symbolic of? Is Queenie an upper class girl? Is she more free than Sammy? Why? What does Sammy think? How does he imagine her life? How does he contrast his own existence to that of Queenie? Is Queenie her real name? What does Sammy know for a fact about her? What does her behavior reveal? What in a sense is he trying to achieve by impressing Queenie?
For all groups - collect 4 quotes from the story that back up your answers.

Present findings. All take down quotes.

4) Writing Assignment - pick one of the sets of questions tonight and begin a brainstorm. Prepare to write tomorrow.