Monday, March 29, 2010

Tuesday, March 29th

1) Silent Reading - Read your Lit. Circle Novel...

2) Introduction to Poetic Generations - Discussion

What is a generation? What makes each generation distinct?

What the heck does your generation want?! Watch a couple videos inside our social network to get the conversation started. (Oh, and what's a palindrome?)

3) We're going to study poetic "generations."

The Rennaisance
The Romantics
The Victorians
The Modernists
The Beat Generation
The Movement
The Post Modernists
The Now

4) Let's start with the Beat Poets. Also known as Beatniks.

What's up with the turtleneck and beret?

1950's - Holden's era

Led to infamous obsenity trials.

Ginsberg's Howl
Here's the
text. Some explicit content - we will only look at a small portion.
Here's a quick
bio and photo.

Questions for Reflection Journal:
What dominant cultural values, assumptions and beliefs is he questioning?
What made this poem revolutionary?

TOMORROW: Poetry Unit and Lit. Circle Overview
THURSDAY: Library Day - Lit. Circle Activities begin