Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wednesday, October 27th

1) Teacher Reading - in D block I'll read Chapter 10, in B I'll start at page 123.


2) Silent Reading?

3) Ch. 5 - 8 review and notes...

Ch.5 - Before Amir can respond to Hassan's Q's about his story, gunfire erupts outside. "Afghanistan changed forever." Fear was everywhere. Even Baba was terrified. This was the July 17th, 1973 coup that followed with the Russian occupation.

We meet Assef, the young sociopath, that worships Hitler, calls Ali "Babalu", and threatens Amir for being friends with Hassan and Hassan for being a "Flat-nosed, donkey Hazara." Brass knuckles = symbol of brute force and domination by force. Hassan uses a slingshot to intimidate and get him and his friends to walk away.

"This isn't the end for you..." More foreshadowing.

Hassan's birthday- plastic surgeon to correct harelip. Could finally smile... but shortly after would never smile again.

Ch.6 - Winter. Kite flying season. 1975 - the biggest kite season ever... the competition was fierce. Baba really wanted Amir to win. The promise of the TV. Hassan: "I like where I live." Hassan, in all things remains the subserviant one. He is the servant, he is the kite runner/servant... he is happy to be who he is.

The importance of the title - who is the kite runner? Why is the book really about him? What does kite running represent?
