Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Connotation vs. Denotation

Silent Reading

Mini Writing Challenge: Sentence Variety
** In five minutes of silent writing, produce two sentences about the speaker in one of the poems from yesterday; you'll remember that we read and discussed "Daddy," "Papa's Waltz" and "To a Sad Daughter." Make one sentence short and simple. Make the other complex and long. (Peer review and mark on a six point scale... Discuss: what do we notice?)

Denotation vs. Connotation - the next question to ask about a poem is, "What language is used?" Etc... Language = WORDS

Denotation - the dictionary definition of the word. (Multiple meanings can lead to puns).

Connotation - the ideas/impressions that the words make you think of.

The connotations of a word are what we react to most strongly. Poets love connotation as it leads directly to symbols and themes.

Today's Poems: Two old feminist rants: Barbie Doll, by Marge Piercy and Paper Matches, by Paulette Jilles.

Connotation Word Discussions

Homework: War Poem Handout and Questions - due tomorrow - be prepared to discuss.