Thursday, February 3, 2011

Boys and Girls

1) Silent Reading - finish reading the story, if need be.

2) Discussion - What do you think of the epiphany in this story? The story was written in the 60's and set even earlier than that; do you think that the world of boys and girls has changed much?

3) Library Work - I did not get the Literary Paragraphs all marked so your next Lit response gets to wait for awhile... I know, I know, you are crushed.

Instead, you have two jobs today:

Characterization Chart - select two characters in "Boys and Girls" and find quotes to support your undestanding of the indirectly and directly presented character traits. Due Monday.

Opinion Paragraph - write an 8-12 sentence paragraph response to ONE of the following topics. Your focus as a writer is to aim for sentence variety.

Have the roles and expectations for girls changed much in the last 50 years?

Have the roles and expectations for boys changed much in the last 50 years?

The media tends to portray men as fools, dummies, coach potatoes, vidoe-game addicts, goofballs, jerks, bad dads, etc… What are young men really like today?

The media inundates us with images of scantily clad women who rise to the top and have power and money and success. How can a young woman have power and self respect today?

Where are the real role models for boys/men?

Where are the real role models for girls/women?

Due Today