Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Afghan History Nutshell

The novel takes place from 1970's - 2002. But the novel refers back to history from the early 20th century...

Here is a nutshell overview:
- Prior to 1919 owned by England (a colony)
- 1919 King declared independance
- USSR was the first country to accept the new country
- 1920's various regimes, turmoil
- 1933 - 1973 Monarchy ruled by King Zahir Shah
- 1973 Coup. Prince Dahoud seizes power, Republic with "elected" president (the prince). Lots of corruption. Russians upset because they has been able to use the King as their puppet. The newly declared President was less willing to listen to them. A tense time.
- 1978 Violent overthrow. Prince/president Dahoud and his entire family murdered by Russions. PDPA (People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan) declared (but run by Russions and corrupt Afghanis) Marxist.
- conservative social and political changes begin to occur... infighting... more turmoil
- 1989 Russians withdraw (post-cold-war Berlin wall falls)
- PDPA remains in power
- 1992 converts to Islamic state
- Violent in-fighting... culture, architecture, economy all begin to crumble...
- After Sept. 11, 2001 - US, CAN, BRITs invade...