Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the elevens - Week One Tasks

Once your group has sorted out who is going to have what role, proceed to your first writing tasks. Compose them first in MS Word so that you can keep a copy in case there are any problems with working online. There will be more than one person with a role - remember to make all of these inside of the DISCUSSIONS inside of your GROUP. Look at the rubric if you need to be reminded about how you will be graded.

Discussion Directors - Begin a discussion about the first impressions of the novel. As part of your discussion starter, consider one of the following elements of fiction - character or conflict. This should be at least two paragraphs in length.

Summarizer - Summarize the first quarter of the novel. Do the math and figure out what page number or chapter everyone should be up to speed on. You may also ask a question that is related to your summary.
Two paragraphs minimum.

Passage Picker - What are the six most important quotable moments in the novel so far? Explain each one and ask your group about what they think about these.

Connection Maker - Start with a discussion of text-to-self connections. What has the novel made you think of in your own life so far? Or maybe consider connections to similiar things about our little community and the lives of others around you. Two paragraphs minimum.