Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday! Morality!

1) Silent Reading - Chapter 20
2) Inquiry Questions - What is your morality? How do you know? What are the character's morality? How do they break with it? Does everyone ultimately fall down? If so, why are we so reluctant to forgive - ourselves and others?

MORALITY -  is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good (or right) and those that are bad (or wrong).

3) Group Work and Theme Presentations - Baba, Amir, Hassan, Sanuabar, Rahim

  • Their morals - sum up in one sentence.
  • What they actually do - list of examples.
  • THEME STATEMENT - what does their example represent?
    Example: "Being too hard on yourself is really a very selfish act."
    12 marks
4) Creative Project - start planning...