Friday, February 15, 2013

Identities done, hegemony, and Boys and Girls.

1) Go over Identities questions. Submit.

2) Finish reviewing the basic Fiction Terms. Quiz on Monday.

3) 100 Words every high school student should know (see other post for list)... let's start with hegemony.
Hegemony has nothing to do with Hedgehogs. 

Definition of HEGEMONY

preponderant influence or authority over others :domination 
: the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group
— heg·e·mon·ic  adjective

All societies, all cultures have dominant ideas, norms, rules, groups.
  • What are the dominant norms of North American culture? How do you know? Top ten list.
  • Where does hegemonic culture come from?
  • What are the problems with Hegemony? 
  • Who gets left out under a hegemonic culture?
  • Now that you are aware, how will you deal with group-think and other everyday forms of hegemony? 
4) Introducing "Boys and Girls" and Alice Munro.

 - this story explores gender norms and its effect on a young woman.
- it was written in a time two generations earlier yet its topics are still current.
- Alice Munro is amazing. Let me tell you why. And, she used to live here!

5) Start Reading. The rest of the story is for homework.