Thursday, May 12, 2011

Week Three Lit. Circle Tasks

Discussion Directors - Alright, it is time to take a stab at it - what are the primary themes of the novel? Literature worth its salt, always has at least a few ideas about life that it is imparting. What are the themes that you are encountering? How do you know?

Summarizer - Summarize the third quarter of the novel. Do the math and figure out what page number or chapter everyone should be up to speed on. You may also ask a question that is related to your summary.

Two paragraphs minimum.

Passage Picker - Every novel has emotional beats, ups and downs, what are three of the most pivotal shifts in the novel in this section? List them, describe them and explain what we learn from them.

Connection Maker - The world has undergone so many dramatic changes lately. Osama Bin Laden was killed, the Canadian election was historically significant, the rebellions in the Middle East are ongoing... what text-to-world connections are you making as you read the novel? Explain the connections.Two paragraphs minimum.