Monday, May 6, 2013

Poetic Terms Review, Poems of Childhood Begin

1) Poetic Terms

Alliteration - the repetition of sounds/letters at the beginning of words in a line of poetry.

EXAMPLE: seven stars go squawking

Allusion - a reference to something that most people are familiar with (can be literary, biblical, historical, popular, etc...).

EXAMPLE: "the Giant is enchanting to Jack" (as in Jack and Jill)
Assonance - the repetition of vowel sounds near to each other in a line of poetry (beginning, middle and ends of words).

EXAMPLE: "O look, look in the Mirror"

Consonance - a poetic device characterized by the repetition of the same consonant two or more times in short succession, as in "pitter patter" or in "all mammals named Sam are clammy".

Hyperbole - deliberate exaggeration for emphasis.

Metaphor - a direct comparison. A=B

Onomatopoeia - when the pronounciation of the word imitates the sound of the word.

Personification - to give a non-animate thing human characteristics.

Simile - an indirect comparison that uses the words "like" or "as."

Symbol - an object that represents or stands in for something else.

2) My Papa's Waltz
  • Read three times
  • Questions to Ask of a Poem
  • Discussion
One man's take on it: 

3) Your work - Those Winter Sundays