Friday, May 24, 2013

Sonnet Challenge!

(Did your group submit some evidence of your rebellion poem work yesterday?)

1) Introduction to the two most popular sonnet forms

Syllables per line
Rhyme Scheme
abbaabba  cdecde
(or c d d c d d, c d d e c e, or c d d c c d or...)
Abab cdcd efef gg
General Shape
First 8 lines present a problem.
(Main Idea)

Last six lines solve it. Often ironic. (Conclusion)
First three sets consider a topic with a similar image. (Main idea)

The final couplet holds a paradox. (Conclusion)

2) Examples - and some work...Handout.
Anthem for Doomed Youth
How Do I Love Thee?

If you want to read more sonnets, some of the most famous traditional ones are here:

3) Now, WE are going to write a sonnet together!

Topic: Love
What type? Vote?

Rule #1: The sonnet must be completed in one class period.

Rule #2: Everyone must try to make a contribution to the sonnet we will write.

Rule #3: The sonnet must be 14 lines long.

Rule #4: The sonnet must have no more and no less than 10 syllables per line.

Rule #5: The sonnet must be of either the English or Italian forms.

Rule #6: The sonnet must deal with the subject of love.

Rule #7: If the sonnet is going to be in the English form, the logical progression of thought should be as follows: the first 12 lines develop the main idea, and the last 2 lines (a rhymed couplet) give the conclusion.

If we select the Italian form, the pattern should be thus: The first 8 lines develop the main idea, and the last 6 lines give the conclusion.

Rule #8: Once something has been written on the sonnet, it cannot be changed (except for spelling).

4) Homework: Reading your novel... and the comma and semi-colon review sheet.